Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Computer Questions & Answers

Question: In Web Technologies c# can be used in ?
A: Back-End Programming
B: Generating HTML
C: Web Services
D: All of these.
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Alok&qid=q0521

Basically which memory is used for storing programs and data when processor is processing it ?
B: Mass Storage
D: None of these.
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Alok&qid=q0527

Question: A single packet on a data link is called ?
A: Frame
B: Block
C: Path
D: None of these.
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Abhishek&qid=q0531

Question: First language developed for artificial intelligence is called ?
B: Lisp
C: Prolog
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Abhishek&qid=q0532

Question: Which one is the computer virus ?
A: Avira
C: Trojan
D: None of these.
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Jyoti&qid=q0560

Question: DNS stands for ?
A: Data Name Service
B: Domain Name System
C: Domain Network System
D: None of these.
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=alok5161&qid=q0599

Question: What does AWT stands for ?
A: Abstract Window Toolkit
B: Abstract Writing Toolkit
C: All Window Toolkit
D: None of these.
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=alok5161&qid=q0600

Question: keywords which are used for Exception Handling ?
A: Try, Catch
B: If, Else
C: Do, While
D: None of these.
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=alok5161&qid=q0601

Question: First web based e-mail service was ?
A: Gmail
B: Hotmail
C: Rediffmail
D: Yahoo Mail
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Alok&qid=q0610

Question: Which one in the following is the first computer virus ?
A: Creeper Virus
B: Trojan horse
C: Rabbit
D: None of these.
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Alok&qid=q0611

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