Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Computer Questions and Answers

Computer Questions and Answers

Shortcut keys of Cut, Copy, Paste are ?

Question: Shortcut keys of Cut, Copy, Paste are ?
A: Ctrl+C , Ctrl+X , Ctrl+ V
B: Ctrl+X , Ctrl+C , Ctrl+ V
C: Ctrl+X , Ctrl+C , Ctrl+ P
D: Ctrl+C , Ctrl+X , Ctrl+ P
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Ashi&qid=q0780

Computer Questions & Answers (5)

Question: An operating system(OS)'s work includes ___ ?
A: Process Management
B: Memory Management
C: File Management
D: All of these.
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Alok&qid=q0652

Question: Virtual memory is a concept of ______? 
A: handling graphic
B: using same memory locations for multiple tasks.
C: providing User Interface
D: None of these.
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Alok&qid=q0653

Question: Android version 2.3, What's the code name of this series ?
A: Jelly Bean
B: Gingerbread
C: Froyo
D: Donut
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Alok&qid=q0654

Question: Transmission of data in one direction is called ?
A: Simplex
B: Duplex
C: Triplex
D: None of these
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=amit&qid=q0742

Question: scanner and digital camera are examples of ?
A: Input Devices
B: Output Devices
C: Storage Devices
D: None of these.
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=kiran&qid=q0753

Computer Questions & Answers

Question: In Web Technologies c# can be used in ?
A: Back-End Programming
B: Generating HTML
C: Web Services
D: All of these.
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Alok&qid=q0521

Basically which memory is used for storing programs and data when processor is processing it ?
B: Mass Storage
D: None of these.
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Alok&qid=q0527

Question: A single packet on a data link is called ?
A: Frame
B: Block
C: Path
D: None of these.
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Abhishek&qid=q0531

Question: First language developed for artificial intelligence is called ?
B: Lisp
C: Prolog
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Abhishek&qid=q0532

Question: Which one is the computer virus ?
A: Avira
C: Trojan
D: None of these.
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Jyoti&qid=q0560

Question: DNS stands for ?
A: Data Name Service
B: Domain Name System
C: Domain Network System
D: None of these.
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=alok5161&qid=q0599

Question: What does AWT stands for ?
A: Abstract Window Toolkit
B: Abstract Writing Toolkit
C: All Window Toolkit
D: None of these.
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=alok5161&qid=q0600

Question: keywords which are used for Exception Handling ?
A: Try, Catch
B: If, Else
C: Do, While
D: None of these.
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=alok5161&qid=q0601

Question: First web based e-mail service was ?
A: Gmail
B: Hotmail
C: Rediffmail
D: Yahoo Mail
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Alok&qid=q0610

Question: Which one in the following is the first computer virus ?
A: Creeper Virus
B: Trojan horse
C: Rabbit
D: None of these.
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Alok&qid=q0611

Computer Questions & Answers

Question: Father of computer ?
A: Charles Babbage
B: Blaise Pascal
C: Herman Hollerith
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Ashi&qid=q0378

Question: Which one is the first commercial microprocessor ?
A: Pentium 1
B: Intel 4004
C: None of these
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Alok&qid=q0384

Question: Processors are used in ?
A: Computer

B: Mobile
C: Cars
D: All of these.
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Alok&qid=q0385

Question: Work of Word processor includes ?
A: Word correction
B: Grammer & Spell checking
C: Web Integration
D: All of these.
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Alok&qid=q0386

Question: Which one is not a product of Google ?
A: Drive
B: Play Store
C: Sky Drive
D: Android
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Alok&qid=q0400

Qs: How many layers are described in Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model ?
A: 3
B: 5
C: 7
D: 9
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Abhishek&qid=q0446

Question: Which one is used for iteration of data in computer programing? 
A: For
B: While
C: Both of these.
D: None of these.
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Alok&qid=q0471

Question: An internet connection does not require ?
A: Modem
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Alok&qid=q0482

Question: Two types of output devices are ?
A: Monitor & Printer
B: Monitor & Mouse
C: Printer & Keyboard
D: Mouse & Keyboard
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Abhishek&qid=q0483

Question: It is not possible to operate a computer without ?
A: An Application
B: OS (Operating System)
C: Antivirus
D: Utility
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Abhishek&qid=q0484

Question: Which of the following is a popular encoding scheme ?
A: Unicode
B: UTF-8
D: All of these.
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Alok&qid=q0509

Computer Questions & Answers

Question: Robert Elliot "Bob" Kahn who, along with Vint Cerf, invented ?
A: Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
B: Internet Protocol (IP)
C: Both of these
D: None of these
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=sonal&qid=q0209

Question: Pick the odd one out. 
B: Vista
C: Windows 7
D: Android
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=computer&qid=q0211

Question: Mark Zuckerberg founded facebook in ?
A: 2001
B: 2003
C: 2004
D: 2006
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=jai5161&qid=q0277

Question: 1GB = .... megabytes ?
A: 1000
B: 1024
C: 1036
D: 1044
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Abhishek&qid=q0234

Question: Which is not CMS(Content Management System) ?
A: Joomla
B: Word Press
C: ExpressionEngine
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=sonal&qid=q0281

Question: Which of the following is not an Operating System ?
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=mackharsh&qid=q0284

Question: Binary digits (that computers understand) are ?
A: 0
B: 1
C: Both of these.
D: None of these.
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=EGPAGE&qid=q0292

Question: DPI stands for ?
A: Dots Per Inch
B: Desktop Pixel Inch
C: Dotmatric Printer Ink
D: None of these.
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Alok&qid=q0340

Question: When the first Indian analog computer in Kolkata was implemented by ISI (Indian stastical Institute) ?
A: 1943
B: 1953
C: 1963
D: None of these.
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Alok&qid=q0341

Who sent first E-mail?

Question: Who sent first E-mail?
A: Raymond Samuel Tomlinson
B: Shiva Ayyadurai
C: Robert Elliot "Bob" Kahn
D: Lawrence Roberts
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=sonal&qid=q0208

First e-mail was sent on?

Computer Questions & Answers

Question: Facebook is developed in ?
A: . NET
C: Both of these
D: None of these
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=computer&qid=q0164

Question: Where are data and programs stored when the processor uses them ?
A: Secondary Memory
B: Main Memory
C: Processor
D: None of these
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=computer&qid=q0165

Question: Which is the smallest unit to store data? 
A: Flip Flops
B: Cache
C: Register
D: None of these
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=computer&qid=q0166

Question: What's not true about RAM?
A: It's a Volatile Memory.
B: Data can be accessed in any random order.
C: SRAM is a kind of RAM.
D: Data can not be changed in RAM.
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Alok&qid=q0185

Question: Which is not Network Protocols? 
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=EGPAGE&qid=q0198

Question: Which in the list is not an Operating System? 
A: Android
B: Windows 98
C: Red Hat Linux
D: Microsft Office
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=sonal&qid=q0205

Question: which computer was used at the U.S. Census Bureau, and also was the first well-known commercial computer ? 
A: Univac 1
B: Fortran 2
D: None of these
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=sonal&qid=q0206

Microprocessors can be used in?

Question: Microprocessors can be used in?
A: Calculators
B: Computer
C: Digital systems
D: All of these
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=computer&qid=q0163

Computer Questions & Answers

Question: Temporary memory is called ?
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Alok&qid=q0154

Question: Which file extensions indicate only graphics files ?
A: PNG and XLS
B: BMP and DOC
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=EGPAGE&qid=q0155

Question: Junk e-mail is also called ?
A: spoof
B: spam
C: spool
D: None of these
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=computer&qid=q0161

Question: A CPU contains ?
A: a control unit and an arithmetic logic unit
B: an SMPS and a printing device
C: All of these
D: None of these
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=computer&qid=q0162

A 'Bug' in a program is ?

Question: A 'Bug' in a program is ?
A: Statement
B: Error
C: Syntax
D: Both (B) & (C)
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=anand&qid=q0143

Which one of the following allows computers to transfer data using a telephone line?

A client program used to access the Internet services through the World Wide Web is called?

The brain of computer is ?

Question: The brain of computer is ?
A: Hard Disk
D: None of these
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=akash&qid=q0127

Who was Co-founder, Chairman and CEO in Apple Inc. ?

Question: Who was Co-founder, Chairman and CEO in Apple Inc. ?
A: Steve Jobs
B: Mark Zuckerberg
C: Steve Wozniak
D: Timothy D. Cook
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=Alok&qid=q029

One byte consists of ?

Question: One byte consists of ?
A: four bits
B: one bit
C: ten bit
D: eight bits
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=EGPAGE&qid=q06

Blue tooth technology allows ? ,Computer Questions

Question: Blue tooth technology allows ?
A: Landline phone to mobile phone communication
B: Signal transmission on mobile phones only
C: Wireless communication between equipments
D: Satellite television communication
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=EGPAGE&qid=q05

Founder of Facebook ?, Computer Questions & Answers

Question: Founder of Facebook ?
A: Bill Gates
B: Mark Zuckerberg
C: Charles Babbage
D: Steve Jobs
Answer- http://www.egpage.com/quick_ans.aspx?uidfq=EGPAGE&qid=q04